Humble Math – 100 Days of Money, Fractions, & Telling the Time: Workbook (With Answer Key): Ages 6-11 – Count Money (Counting United States Coins and … – Grades K-4 – Reproducible Practice Pages
100 days of practice counting money, learning fractions, and telling the time. Three core areas of math that students often need additional help to master. Start by counting groups of coins that have a value of a dollar or less. Slowly learn to count greater amounts of money that include small and large bills too. Add and subtract values, and even learn to make change. Learn fractions one step at a time. Start with simple fractions and eventually learn to add and subtract mixed numbers. Telling the time is one of the more difficult concepts for children to learn. Gradually progress from learning to tell hours, to quarter hours. Eventually tell time in five minute and minute increments. This is a great workbook to start out with. Most students will grasp the concepts within each of the three sections. If a student still needs more practice, Humble Math has workbooks that provide additional practice for these concepts too.
From the Publisher
Need a little practice?
· Master one skill at a time.
· Answer Keys Included
· Use at home or the classroom.
· Made for students. (Loved by parents.)
· Theory-Based Learning Designs
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Customer Reviews
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Practice Pages
100 Days 100 Days 100 Days 100 Days 100 Days 100 Days
Answer Key Included
Suggested Age Range
Ages 6-11 Ages 10-13 Ages 10-13 Ages 10-14 Ages 9+ Ages 9-14
Learn about coins, bills, money skills, beginner fractions, reading clocks, and elapsed time. Some word problems included. Practice multiplying multi-digit numbers. Start with 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and progress to multiplying larger numbers. Divide multi-digit numbers using the long division method. Start with smaller numbers without remainders and progress to larger numbers with remainders. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, and convert between decimals, percents, and fractions. Reduce fractions. Includes a section of word problems. Measure lengths & distances, temperatures, fluid volumes, and mass. (U.S. customary and metric system units.) Convert between units and between measurement systems. Learn to calculate the area, perimeter, volume, & surface area of geometric shapes.
Publisher : Libro Studio LLC; United States ed. edition (June 14, 2020)
Language : English
Paperback : 107 pages
ISBN-10 : 1635783259
ISBN-13 : 978-1635783254
Reading age : 6 – 10 years, from customers
Grade level : Preschool – Kindergarten
Item Weight : 9.5 ounces
Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.25 x 11 inches
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