Bookkeeping – Accounting for Small Business: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide
Complete and essential reference to the process of bookkeeping for your business. This 6 page laminated guide includes the facts you need to ensure a well organized system for tracking expenses and profits enabling business owners to produce reports that will satisfy bankers for loan requirements, investors for raising cash, and government agencies for reporting data accurately to avoid penalties and interest. Author of over 40 books, financial specialist Lita Epstein, masterfully designed a reference that is an expert’s concise notes for building a system and ensuring that system is thorough. As an expert or new business owner this reference can elevate your understanding and vocabulary to be your company’s financial expert.
6 page laminated reference guide includes: Bookkeeping Overview Accounting MethodsExploring Assets, Liabilities & EquityUnderstanding Debits & CreditsMapping the Books Developing the Chart of AccountsUsing Your Business Map JournalsGeneral LedgersReportsComputerized Accounting ProgramsInternal Controls Protecting Your Business’s CashDocumenting TransactionsProtecting Against FraudEmployee BondingEntering Key Transactions Inventory PurchasesHiring Staff Completing Government Forms for New HiresDetermining Pay PeriodsWage & Salary TypesSocial Security & MedicareUnemployment TaxesWorker’s CompensationTesting for Accuracy Proving the Cash & InventoryFinalizing Cash ReceiptsInventoryAdjusting for ErrorsClosing the JournalsUsing Summary ResultsPrepping Books for a New Accounting Cycle Steps in The Accounting CycleAdding or Deleting AccountsReviewing Customer AccountsAssessing Vendor AccountsStarting a New Bookkeeping YearPreparing Financial Reports Balance SheetIncome StatementInternal ReportsOther External Reports
Publisher : Quickstudy; New edition (November 1, 2020)
Language : English
Wall Chart : 6 pages
ISBN-10 : 1423246136
ISBN-13 : 978-1423246138
Item Weight : 5.6 ounces
Dimensions : 8.5 x 0.06 x 11 inches
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