Shareholder Yield: A Better Approach to Dividend Investing
Shareholder Yield: A Better Approach to Dividend Investing shows step-by-step how to find returns in a low yield world. Investors have flocked to dividend stocks in search of yield; however, fewer companies are paying out less in dividends due to legal, tax, and structural changes in the US markets. Dividend payments are only one use of a company’s free cash flow; other uses of cash include: share repurchases, debt paydown, reinvestment in the business, and mergers and acquisitions.
Consequently, investors in the 21st century must look to all of the direct and indirect ways in which companies distribute their cash to shareholders, a metric commonly referred to as “Shareholder Yield”. In this book, we analyze portfolios based on the various cash flow metrics and find that portfolios of companies with high shareholder yields outperform both broad market indices and high dividend yield portfolios by a substantial margin.
With all of the uncertainty in the markets today, Shareholder Yield helps the reader answer one of the most often asked question in investing today – “Where do I find yield”?
Publisher : The Idea Farm; 1st edition (May 12, 2013)
Publication date : May 12, 2013
Language : English
File size : 2557 KB
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Screen Reader : Supported
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
X-Ray : Enabled
Word Wise : Enabled
Print length : 63 pages
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